There are many demands on the premier's time.
Submit your invitation at least 8 months in advance to increase the likelihood of it being accepted.

First Step
Second Step
Third Step
Fourth Step
Step 1 of 4
Type of organization
Step 2 of 4
Type of invite
Is this event public?
Will media be in attendance?
Step 3 of 4
Do you wish Premier to speak?
If Premier is unable to attend would you like an alternate government representative to attend?
Is this event a fundraiser?
Step 4 of 4
Do you require a message for your event program?
Do you require a video message?

(png, jpg, txt, pdf or word) accepted only
Attachments ready for upload:

The personal information collected through the contact Premier page may be used for the purpose of providing you with a response to your message.

This personal information collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

If you have any questions about this collection of personal information, you may contact the Premier's office at 780-427-2251 or email